Embark on a Journey to Well-being: The Launch of the HIKE Project

The European project “HIKE: HIKing for a healthier lifestylE along European Cultural Routes” kicked off on 1 April 2024.
This Erasmus+ Sport project aims to increase healthy and active lifestyles via engagement of local communities into hiking and related sports activities along historic routes, such as Via Francigena, η Via Egnatia and Via Eurasia – Tolerance way.
With a budget of 200,000 euros allocated for a duration of 18 months, the project activities will unfold in three countries – Italy, Greece, and Turkey, and bring together three associations – Turkish Culture Routes Society (project leader), the European Association of the Via Francigena Ways (AEVF), and the Social Co-operative Enterprise “Paths of Greece”.

A series of free hiking events are scheduled along the trails:

  1. Via Francigena in the Puglia region, Italy (September 2024)
  2. Via Egnatia near Edessa, Greece (October 2024)
  3. Via Eurasia – Tolerance Way, in the vicinity of Izmit, Turkey (November 2024)

With an ambition to inspire locals to follow a healthy lifestyle, through physical activity and social cohesion. Accompanied by experienced hikers, participants will be invited to follow in the footsteps of historical voyagers, connect with the past, and forge new links with their local heritage and fellow walkers. Through a blend of workshops and activities, the initiative will highlight the health benefits of hiking and thus strengthen hiking tourism.

The project will include the celebration of the European Week of Sport 2024 (23 – 30 September 2024), with events designed to portrait walking and hiking as a universally accessible, all-year-round activity for participants of all backgrounds and abilities, offering a welcoming environment for sports enthusiasts and novices alike.

Apart from promoting the creation of walking infrastructure for both locals and visitors, the initiative will empower local municipalities and associations with a methodology for organizing hiking events.

Join us as we embark on this extraordinary journey of discovery and well-being and stay tuned to receive updates on the upcoming hikes that are going to be organized through the HIKE project!